Artist: Cale Sampson Album: Cale Sampson Song: The Facts of War Typed by: [Cale Sampson] Oil is used primarily as a fuel There's only fifty years left of it, it's non renewable It's the gasoline in our automobiles Everything plastic, and all package materials Telephones, credit cards, toothpaste Shampoo, glasses, aspirin, house paint Cameras, tires, film, toys, tape Are just some of the many products that oil can make The largest consumer is the United States Using twenty-five percent of all petroleum made Half of that's imported, America needs help By Two Thousand and Twelve domestically they'll run out Now Iraq has the second largest oil reserve Behind Saudi Arabia on the entire earth One point One Trillion dollars it's worth And there's plenty undiscovered land yet to be searched Industrial countries, depend and rely On the Middle East to maintain our styles of life Just imagine, if they manipulated the price So which Countries could grow, was up to them to decide These denials that the war's really not about oil Are completely unconvincing, it made my blood boil When Colon Powell claimed it would be shared nice & equal Held in a trusteeship for all the Iraqi people C'mon, Who you really think will service these fields Chevron Texaco and Exxon Mobil The largest energy companies in the nation Out to become the world's two richest corporations And if you back Bush, you get a part of this If you don't co-operate he makes it very hard to live Gotta wonder, if Nine Eleven's just an excuse To go through with something he already wanted to do Man, check his track record, a brutal history Why we don't know more about it still remains news to me This President never served, when he was called upon And pulled strings to avoid combat in Vietnam Did you know the first oil drilling business he got Lost lots of money and was a financial flop Arbusto, became Bush Explorations Hoping the family name would help it's reputation Two years later it failed as well He was bailed out by a College friend from Yale When William Dewitt, bought his company out Then merged it with Spectrum Seven as an offer of help And immediately George Bush became C.E.O But by Nineteen eighty-six, the same tale unfolds A group of investors, with political motives Appeared in the nick of time, to become his co-owners Harken Energy, now listen close here Paid him well over a Hundred-Thousand dollars a year With a lack of experience, and financial debts came an unbelievable chance for them to get rich 'Cause close to Iraq, is the Country Bahrain Fearing an invasion by Saddam Hussein They bypassed major U.S. oil chains And gave Bush's company rights to drill their terrain But by Nineteen-Ninety internal advisors Warn of the company's potential demises Already a Hundred and Fifty Mill' in the hole And if Saddam invades Kuwait stock value will fall One month later Bush decided to sell Two-Thirds of the shares in Harken that he held That's a lot, to dump at once on to the market But good timing, he made a two-hundred percent profit Eight Hundred and Fifty Grand on the deal At it's top price on the exchange, what a sale 'Cause Eight days later Harken Oil reports That it's down twenty-five percent and dropping more Who's guilty of insider trading here When you look at the facts George Bush should appear Even though he insists, he never got information And was unaware of any kind of dire situation No one has ever announced who made the purchase An unidentified buyer, it's almost perfect He also violated S.E.C. regulations To announce your deals to them, by a month after you make them But dad was President, controlled the commission In charge of investigating his own son's suspicion And you wonder why, he was never punished The case against him was dropped, now it's over & done with * * [Outro: 8X] What do we want ( Peace ), when do we want it ( Now )**