Artist: (Brother El f/) Larry Milla Album: Through the Cracks of Concrete Song: Under Hypnosis Typed by: OHHLA Webmaster DJ Flash "Chicago, is next.." [Larry Milla] Learn to see everything that's around you without using your eyes Sometimes it's beyond that Sometimes it's just about learning to feel a situation And let yourself totally be exposed to things but block out all negative energies It's almost just like, you have shielding Something that you will read about in a science fiction book Where a man can walk into a room with 20,000 degree flames and not be scathed Cause his mind has been hardened or tempered like steel to neglect, or maybe, to negate that energy To protect himself from the evil things in his environment or the hard situations, which might cause pain to the flesh These are the things that our type need to master To make ourselves stronger Like biblical figures, who walked through fires inside of a furnace and came out unscathed And then the king could not realize the powers of their Lord Which was only in their mind For they had faith in themselves and all that was around them And they did not let the fire consume them A fire which might be, likened to things like hate and envy and lust, things that are insidious and control you and devour you from the inside Which leave you just a shell of the man Something that can be easily crushed Not the statue of stone, a pillar of raw energy that stood once before You have become something less More like a beast or an animal that is surely misled you must be the one to guide your own light Or maybe follow your own path And create something that is truly yours And that ability is innate, it's within you But often finding that sometimes is the maze And there's so many people that get locked in that maze and they're.. being chased by minotaurs and other minions of Greek mythology that keep them caught up and trapped and, cringing in corners wondering when daylight will approach them But when it does approach us be willing to accept it with open arms Letting your heart spill out the angst that has tr.. troubled you or plagued you through the years Be willing, to be open, to be free And to let yourself escape the torment For that's all that it is And that's all that life is