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Artist: Foreign Exchange
Album:  Leave it All Behind
Song:   Leave it All Behind
Typed by: {w/ help from liner notes}


Hey, baby boy 
Lying sound asleep
I hope you dream of lullabies and clowns..
The more you, open your eyes
the harder to believe
So here's a song for you when you are down, are doooown...

'Cause only heaven knows
What to make of these changing times
But for tonight, let's just leave it all behind
I know this world's so cold
But don't let teardrops change your mind
So for tonight, let's just leave it all behind

Heeey, hey, baby boy
Lying sound asleep
They say a child like you's one of a kind 
(One of a kind, God will GUIDE US)
We dream of life, playing in the sun
So please don't ever be afraid to shine
(whoooa-oaaa, whoaaaaa..)

[Chorus w/ ad-libs and choruses again]

LEAVE it All Behiiiind!